NYC ride-hailing, Taxi Turf War Stalls Revels EV Push

Law360 (Jun 29, 2021, 7:01 p.m. EDT) – The abrupt repeal of a rule in New York City that allows an unlimited number of electric vehicles for ride-hailing or ride-sharing purposes underscores regulators’ drive to keep clean Balancing energy and competition concerns so that drivers and consumers get caught in the crossfire, experts say.

The New York Taxi and Limousine Commission recently voted 5 to 1 to remove a provision exempting electric vehicles from 2018 regulations, which would limit the number of new vehicle licenses for rent that are given to drivers for Uber Technologies Inc., Lyft Inc . and similar apps have been issued. resident, ride-hailing providers. The TLC’s June 22 vote essentially blocked an offer from Brooklyn-based electric scooter company Revel to provide rideshare in …

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