Letter: Infrastructure isn’t ready for all those electric cars

To people who think electric cars are a good idea, maybe not.

If 30 of my neighbors are charging their electric cars this winter, this will cause a brownout. I will have to run my gasoline-powered generator to run my furnace, refrigerator, computer and TV because it will be 30 years for the electric companies to build the infrastructure to support massive auto charging.

If electric auto owners want to run their own generator powered by fossil fuel to charge their auto, go for it, just do not go and suck up the neighborhood’s electricity. Buy your generator now, if you want power this winter, because some people do not care about what they take from others.

The real global problem is not warming; the earth is flipping its poles. This has happened three times in the millions of years in the planet’s history. Don’t believe me, ask the plane pilots how much they must change their navigation charts each year. This also will cause a wild ride for weather patterns.

Kyle Nienberg



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